APUG Meetups May 2021

The next monthly session, fully online hosted on Zoom

Our May session which takes place on 12 May 2021 will start at 18:30.

The format is

  • 18:30 A guest talk from Zoe Gadon - "Stop Playing With Your Self: An Intro to Functional Programming in Python"
  • 19:15 Project teams in break-out rooms (Beginner and Intermediate).
  • 20:30 Project round-ups

Stop Playing With Your Self: An Intro to Functional Programming in Python

What is functional programming? How do you know when to use it instead of OOP? This will be a brief introduction to what you can do in Python without having to use "self".

Zoe Gadon is a software engineer at Exizent, a mediocre crocheter and a bit of a nerd. After 2 years in the industry she now writes code and does platform ops in a small team of awesome people, while making everyone sigh in exasperation at her dad-teir puns.


Register for the May meeting.

Tickets are free (just change the suggested donation to £0.00), or leave it as is to make a donation to our charity, Code the City, if you wish.

Monthly challenges

The project challenges will be announced on Github

Keep in touch

We recommend joining our Slack channel.

If you are a beginner looking to get started in Python have a look at our Learning Resources page where we recommend a free video course on Youtube.

